The 9th Regular Convent of the Grand Lodge of Serbia was held at Orient Belgrade. The Convent had its session on Sunday, Jun. 16th 2024.

As the tradition and rules of the Brotherhood specify, the Convent Work was opened by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Brother Veka Radonjić, with the help of the Officers of the Grand Lodge of Serbia. Since it was concluded that the Delegates of all Honorable Lodges working under the protection of the Grand Lodge of Serbia attend the Convent, except Lodge “Sveti Sava”, a quorum was established, and the session began according to the unanimously adopted agenda.

The Grand Master, Brother Veka Radonjić, submitted a report on the Work of the Grand Lodge of Serbia in the previous year, from Jun. 2023 to Jun. 2024. The delegates of the Honorable Lodges unanimously adopted his report.

At the 9th Regular Convent of the Grand Lodge of Serbia, the Lodge “Sveti Sava” status is frozen.

The solemn work was crowned with the adoption of the petition of Lodge “Dimitrije Mitrinović” from Orient Belgrade to receive the protection of the Grand Lodge of Serbia. That request was supported by the report of the Supreme Council of Serbia on the correct operation of that Attelier in the previous year, as long as it Worked under the protection and inspection of the Supreme Council of Serbia. This created the conditions for accepting one more Regular Freemasonic Lodge under the protection of Grand Lodge of Serbia. After the closing of the ritual part, the Convent Work continued with the Agape.

Grand Lodge of Serbia © 2023. Design and deployment: Publishing Committee of the Grand Lodge of Serbia