The summer break at our Freemasonic Construction is used to make plans for the near and distant future. In principle, it was agreed that each of the Lodges under the protection of the GLS will organize a special event that will be included in the annual schedule of activities, and which, of course, will be attended by Brothers from all other Lodges.

Lodge “Pobratim”: “The Third Element” – This year, at the end of Sep., the “Pobratim” Brotherhood will for the first time implement the long-standing idea of holding a Freemasonic meeting on the water! A cruise on the Sava and Danube rivers is planned, during which the White Convent will be held with the promotion of Freemasonic books. In the coming years, Ritual Work is also planned, which, for the first time in the history of Serbian Freemasonry, will be held on the “third element”, i.e. quotes!

Lodge “Đorđe Vajfert 5995”: “Traces of Đorđe Vajfert” – The Brotherhood will continue the tradition, and as in previous years, during Dec., organize a visit to the grave of Đorđe Vajfert, or some other place related to the life and Work of one of the most important Serbian Freemasons.

Lodge “Sveti Sava”: “St. Sava Ball” – At the end of Jan., the tradition of holding the humanitarian Sveto Sava Ball will continue.

Lodge “Dositej”: “Traces of Dositej” – The Novi Sad Lodge will organize trips to visit the places (near and far) where the great Serbian enlightener lived and Worked. The date will be determined later.

Lodge “Svetlost Balkana”: “Masonic trip “- Planned for the coming years (in the month of Jun.), where the Brothers and their families will enjoy nature, good food and fellowship.

Lodge “Wisdom”: “The Feast of Winter St. John” – This Lodge will traditionally continue to perform one of the most impressive Ritual Works of the Scottish Rite at the end of Dec., which is performed at the table in the Temple.

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