On Jun. 30th, Jul. 1st and 2nd 2017, the delegation of the Grand Lodge of Serbia (Grand Master, Grand Chancellor, Grand Host) visited the Grand Lodge of Italy “Seresnissima”. The visit followed as a response of the Grand Lodge of Serbia to the official invitation of the Grand Lodge of Italy “Serenissima” to their summer Convention in 2017.

The convention was held from Jun. 30th to Jul. 2nd 2017, in the city of Crotone in Calabria. The gathering was interesting and useful for the positioning of the Grand Lodge of Serbia in the European Freemasonic community.
During the meeting, agreements on cooperation between the Supreme Councils of Italy and Romania were signed. The Convention was attended by delegations of Grand Lodges from Serbia (Grand Lodge of Serbia and GSLFMS “Sub Rosa”), Slovenia, Moldova, Greece and Romania.
At the end of the official agenda, the guests greeted Rad and the members of the Grand Lodge of Italy “Serenissima” with selected words and presented gifts.
The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Italy “Serenissima” thanked all the guests for their participation and, with an appropriate certificate of thanks, presented gifts to the Grand Lodges whose representatives attended the meeting.