On the occasion of marking 145 years since the introduction of light into the Honorable Lodge “Light of the Balkans” and 20 years since its Decision to place itself under the protection of the Grand National Lodge of Yugoslavia, the Council Grand Lodge of Serbia made the Decision that 6th Regular Convent Grand Lodge of Serbia hold on Sunday, June 20th 2021 at Orient Prijepolje, and that the host and organizer of the Convent, as well as the 7th Traditional Freemasonic Picnic be Brotherhood of the Honorable Lodge “Light of the Balkans”.

The gathering of the Brethren with their family members began on June 18th, and the entire event lasted until June 20th 6021. Brothers from all Federal Lodges with their families, as well as guests from Honorable Lodges of other Obediences and members of the Delegations of Fraternal Grand Lodges from abroad, were accommodated in the lodgings of the Mileševa monastery.

Unforgettable gatherings began on the first day at Agape, which lasted well into the night. The next day, on Saturday, after breakfast, everyone collectively went on a trip to the waterfalls of the Sopotnica river. Part of the Brethren from the host Lodge tried their best to provide as complete information as possible about the importance of the places they visit at important destinations. The second part of the host, assisted by the Brothers from other Lodges, who enjoy preparing a “good bite”, went to the main destination of the Picnic to Kamena Gora.

Immediately after noon, when the fires at the main destination were well lit, the Brothers “excursionists” arrive. The barbecue Masters managed to please everyone with a variety of expertly prepared specialties. Of course, the children and the Sisters had an advantage. Sports activities developed with the participation of both young people and those in advanced years. Part of the excursionists did not miss the opportunity to visit the stone pine “Zapis”, which is hundreds of years old.
The climax was reached when the hot lamb began to be cut. Most of the time, it was eaten like a real picnic “out of hand”. Brethren from delegations of Honorable Grand Lodges from abroad were particularly impressed by the events. They spared no praise for the ubiquitous ambience, quality and variety of food served, and especially the selection of brandies.

Sunday, June 20th 2021, began with breakfast. Brothers from the Honorable Lodge “Ligh of the Balkans”, with the wholehearted help of Brothers from other Atteliers, equipped the Temple in a very short time, so that the Convent could start at the scheduled time. And on this occasion, the Brethren, representatives of the Grand Lodges from abroad, were delighted with how a restaurant area was transformed into a very well-equipped Temple with all the necessary Insignia.
The Ritual Work of the 6th Annual Convent of the Grand Lodge of Serbia began at exactly 10 a.m.
In addition to the Delegates and Elders of the Grand Lodge of Serbia, the Convent session was also attended by numerous Brothers from Federal Lodges and guest Brothers, a total of 42 Brothers.

The Work of the 6th Regular Annual Convent took place in the usual Fraternal atmosphere and lasted a little more than two hours, after which the Brothers began preparations to return home. Many Brethren arranged a joint lunch or coffee break at one of the attractive locations in and around Zlatar, or Zlatibor.