The Honorable Lodge “Đorđe Vajfert 5995” organized a traditional trip to Pančevo on Dec. 17th 2017. On that occasion, they visited the grave of the first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes “Yugoslavia” and the first Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Serbia, the famous Brother Đorđe Vajfert. The gathering was enhanced by the presence of Brothers from the Honorable Lodge “Wisdom” – Worshipful Master V.J. and pastMaster Brother K.K.
In an inspired speech, Worshipful Master of the Honorable Lodge “Đorđe Vajfert 5995” Brother P.P. reminded the Brothers and Sisters present about the great Work of the respected Brother Đorđe Vajfert.

“What are your thoughts, such is your life. All especially gifted people know this maxim. Đorđe Vajfert also knew how powerful these words are. That’s why he said: ‘Not everything that is me will die’. And it really isn’t! He left behind top quality beer, powerful mines, strong dinar and we, his sworn Brothers, remained. ‘I deeply believe that all my Brothers must make efforts to improve themselves, and by doing so, they improve our society. That effort, that God-given gift to build ourselves and our own character is the strength I believe in,’ said Vajfert. He was valuable in his Freemasonic Lodge, where he was addressed as Brother Djuro. It was recorded that he wrote in Cyrillic, so his signature also became known. His contemporaries wrote that he performed his duty modestly and moderately, and that the best epitaph for his life and Work is ‘NON OMNIS MORIAR’, i.e. ‘ALL THAT I AM WILL NOT DIE’. That’s why when we are asked ‘what did Đorđe Vajfert bring us’, we can freely say more than a thousand dinars. He is our spiritual father, our Brother, the first Grand Commander and Grand Master, the spiritus movens, the indestructible and renewable force of an excellent Freemason”, said, among other things, Brother P.P.
The program of the visit to Đorđe Vajfert Square and the afternoon gathering of Brothers and their better halves in a restaurant on the banks of the Tamiš was realized by the efforts of Brother N.P.