In accordance with the Fee-Masonic Freedoms Declaration, the Grand Lodge of Serbia launched a series of lectures in the Summer Semester of 2019 – a forum of eminent authors of books dealing with Freemasonic topics, as well as Brothers who want to share their professional experience from various fields with members of our Obedience.
The first lecture was held on Mar. 15th 2019 at the Club of the Grand Lodge of Serbia by Brother Z.T. from the Grand National Lodge of Serbia on the topic “Symbolism of numbers in Freemasonry”.

It was an opportunity for the Most Worshupful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Serbia, Brother Zoran Knežević, to greet the present Sisters from the Serbian Freemasonic Lodges who Work under the protection of the Grand Women’s Lodge of France and the Brothers from the Grand National Lodge of Serbia, the Grand Freemasonic Lodge of Serbia, the Grand Spiritual Lodge on behalf of the host. of the Free Freemasons “Sub Rosa”, the Traditional Grand Freemasonic Lodge of Serbia, Brothers from Lodge “Benjamin Franklin” and says something more about the significance of the Declaration.
“The Freemasonic Freedoms Declaration aims to establish complete Freedoms in the expansion of the Fraternal Chain through the exchange of Freemasonic opinions and actions, and above all, I am referring here to unhindered visits to the Ritual Works of Regular Freemasonic Lodges of different allegiances, as well as by encouraging mutual communication between Brothers which are mutually recognized as Freemasons. I am honored that so far the Declaration has been well received by the Brethren both in the country and abroad, and the cycle of Freemasonry forums represents a sincere initiative of the Brethren from the Grand Lodge of Serbia in order to establish the strongest Fraternal Chain in Serbia”, he said between among others, the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Serbia, Brother Zoran Knežević.
The organizing committee of the lectures of the Grand Lodge of Serbia plans to host lecturers in the coming period who will present various Freemasonic Rites, connoisseurs of Freemasonic history, symbolism, philosophy, music, alchemy, as well as oenologists and other experts who can refine the spirit of all those who are interested in this kind of socializing.