At the consecration ceremony of the new Temple of the Grand Lodge of Hungary, on October 26th 2019, a twelve-member delegation of the Grand Lodge of Serbia, led by Grand Master Brother Zoran Knežević, was present. The GLS delegation was composed of 6 members of Lodge “Dositej”, 4 members of Lodge “Wisdom”, 1 member of Lodge “Pobratim” and 1 member of Lodge “Sveti Sava”. In addition to the GLS delegation, the delegations of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Austria, the Grand National Lodge of Romania, the Grand Spiritual Lodge of Freemasons of Serbia “Sub Rosa” and the Grand National Lodge of Montenegro attended the Temple consecration ceremony.

The consecration ceremony of the Temple of the Grand Lodge of Hungary was conducted by the Grand Master and Grand Officers of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Austria in accordance with the Scottish Rite and with impeccable precision.
Then there was a short break, after which the Grand Lodge of Hungary held its first Ritual Work in the consecrated new Temple.
The entrance of the Grand Master Zoran Knežević was accompanied by the singing of the National Anthem of Serbia which was seng by all Brothers from Serbia. The National Anthems also accompanied the entry of other Grand Masters. The work was enriched by the presentation of two instructions by the Hungarian Masters, after which the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Hungary and the Grand Master “Sub Rosa” signed the Mutual Relationship Treaty.

At the end of the Ritual Work, there were greetings and warm wishes of the Grand Masters present, and with warm words of congratulations, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Serbia, Brother Zoran Knežević, presented a gift, a picture of our Brother M.P., to the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Hungary, Brother Peter Pataki.
After the Ritual Work, the gathering of the Brothers continued at the Agape in the restaurant that is part of the Temple and where the Brothers from Hungary hosted all the Brothers present.
The impressions of the GLS delegation are very positive, which promises a successful continuation of cooperation both with the hosts and with the visiting Brothers.