On February 5th 2020, our dear Brother Dragan Martinović Martin was awarded the prestigious “VUK KARADŽIĆ AWARD” awarded for the 56th time by the Cultural and Educational Community of Serbia.

Our Honorary Grand Master started practicing fine art at the age of 15 with the Great of the Serbian fine art scene, Milić od Mačva. He completed the Academy of Fine Arts and postgraduate studies in Belgrade. He is a member and founder of numerous art associations as well as the oldest art group in the Balkans “LADA”. He organized around 150 solo exhibitions in Serbia and abroad.
Important for the Grand Lodge of Serbia and for Serbian Freemasonry, Brother Martin is one of the most important leaders of the renewed Freemasonry in Serbia, and from the earliest days he directs the Work and development of numerous Lodges and Grand Lodges in Serbia and the surrounding countries, and with his clear Freemasonic attitude and actions, he sets an example for all his Brothers Freemasons.
We wish Brother Martin a long and successful life as a Freemason and Artist.