The Grand Lodge of Serbia celebrated, at the Solemn Annual Convent, held on Jun. 8th 2019, at Orient Viminacium, the hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the Grand Lodge of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes “Yugoslavia”. The celebration of the GLS was also attended by members of the Supreme Council of Serbia, led by the Undisputed Grand Commander Brother N.A. as well as the guests, Brothers from numerous Obediences, from five countries, and all were welcomed in a solemn manner, with a steel vault and the National Anthem. A total of 113 Brothers from our country and abroad participated in this magnificent gathering.

At the Ritual Work, the delegates of the Honorable Lodges within the GLS unanimously decided that Brother Z.K. and in the next three years he performs the duties of the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the GLS. The election of GLS Grand Officers was unanimously confirmed. Brother Z.K. he read the Report on the Work of the previous mandate, in which he emphasized, among other things, that the new Temple of the Grand Lodge of Serbia was consecrated, the construction of which was completed in 2018 with the help of the Brothers who personally participated in the Works or donations helped the completion of this great Work. In a short time, our Temple became one of the most important places of Freemasonry gathering in Serbia, worthy of the tradition we inherited and worthy of our Proclamation on Freemasonry.
GLS hosted the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Hungary of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Brother P.P. The Work was completed by the Delegation of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Austria, led by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Brother M.M. We were also visited by the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand National Lodge of Montenegro, Brother S.V. as well as the Brothers from Romania, from Lodge “Patrimonium” from Orient Timisoara, led by Worshipful Master Brother R.V. and Brothers from Lodge “Masterul Manolo”, from Orient Curtea de Arges, who Work under the protection of the Grand National Lodge of Romania.

The celebration at Orient Viminacium was also marked by the confirmation of the Agreement on cooperation and recognition between the Grand Lodge of Serbia and the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Austria, which was signed by the Most Worshipful Grand Masters, Brothers Z.K. and M.M.
GLS guests were also representatives of several Obediences from Serbia, among them the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Spiritual Lodge of Free Freemasons of Serbia “Sub Rosa” Brother A.N, as well as the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Traditional Grand Freemasonic Lodge of Serbia, Brother D.Z. The celebration at Orient Viminacium was also attended by the Worshipful Masters of the Honorable Lodges “Feniks”, Brother M.M, “Thirteen” Brother V.Đ, “Benjamin Franklin”, Brother M.V, as well as the Grand Secretary of the Grand Regular Lodge of Serbia, Belgrade, Brother S.B.
At the Solemn Convent, the Brethren heard numerous details about the Freemasonry past, in the address of the Grand Chancellor of the GLS, Brother V. R. in honor of the establishment of the Grand Lodge of the Kingdom of SHS “Yugoslavia”. Guests from abroad could see for themselves the richness of the tradition we inherit, with the beginnings of freemasonry in Serbia dating back to the end of the 18th century, but also learn more about the historical facts about our country and the trials we faced over the centuries.
Gifts were exchanged with the delegates from the visiting Obediences, and the Most Worshipful Grand Master GLS Z.K. he gave appropriate words of welcome and gratitude. The guests expressed very positive impressions about our ceremony dedicated to a century since the founding of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. They also testified about the excellent reception that the Proclamation on Freemasonry Freedom of the Grand Lodge of Serbia received, as well as that they strive to act precisely in accordance with the principles of this important document.

After finishing the Ritual Work, the Brothers, together with their families, continued the conversation at the Agape, with the cultural and artistic content of the local ensemble, which symbolizes this region and Serbia. On the occasion of the Convent and celebration of the GLS at Oriente Viminacium, a three-day program and gathering was organized for the Brothers, which completed this great ceremony. As befits our heritage, we encountered cultural and religious heritage, visiting churches, monuments and other local landmarks, which are part of the wealth of our country – Serbia.