On Mar. 11th 2018, another Work of the Grand Lodge of Serbia was held. Although it has become popular to call many events historic, this Work REALLY was! For the first time since the awakening of Freemasonry in Serbia, the prefix – temporary Temple – was not used in the invitation to Work as a venue. This time the Work was held IN THE TEMPLE OF THE GRAND LODGE OF SERBIA!!! After almost three decades of working in various rented premises, business premises, hotels and restaurants, the Brothers from the Grand Lodge of Serbia together with the Brothers from the Supreme Council of Serbia managed to build THEIR HOME. Permanent Temple!

In order for a place to become Holy and to be able to call it a Temple, it is necessary to consecrate it. On this occasion, as befits, according to the ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Order, the Brothers from the Supreme Council of Serbia did that. After that, the Very Mighty Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Serbia Brother N.A. handed over the hammer to the Most Worshipful Grand Master GLS Brother Z.K. and the Work continued to lead the Grand Lodge of Serbia. The permanent Temple is dedicated, and the ritual Works for this semester are open!

At the Work itself, there were about 60 Brothers from all Honorable Lodges who Work under the protection of the Powerful and Respected GLS. The Work took place in a solemn tone, full of joy, and you can see a part of the atmosphere in the photos from the Ritual Work. Br. N.A. thanked all the Brothers who made a selfless contribution to the construction of this wonderful Temple, which, by all accounts, will be the center of gathering of Brothers and Sisters from other Obediences as well. So, the center of Serbian Freemasonry – in the center of the Serbian capital, in Kraljice Natalija Street! It should also be noted that the complete renovation and arrangement took exactly 50 days, which shows the dedication and great enthusiasm of the Brothers who participated in this construction.

After the Work, the Brothers continued socializing around the Agape in the Temple club, which is an integral part of the Temple and which completes the entire Temple complex. The plan is for the beautiful club of the Temple to be a gathering place for the Brethren outside of the Ritual Works, and to soon have a Freemasonic gallery and library as part of its composition.
As in profane life, so in Freemasonic Work, what it means to have a “roof over your head” can only be known by someone who has been a tenant for decades. Dear Brothers, may we all be HAPPY and PROSPEROUS!
Glory to the Construction! Glory to the Work!