The end of the year is the right time for Brothers to get together and relax and rest in a more casual atmosphere. According to tradition, such an occasion is indicated at the wonderful Ritual Works of St. John, which are held in summer and winter, at the end of each semester. It is an ideal opportunity for the Brothers to finally enjoy the fruits of months of hard Work and to prepare for the upcoming holidays.

The Feast of St. John, by which the Mudrost Lodge is best known in Serbia, is distinguished by the fact that it gives the opportunity to combine both important parts in a unique ritual – Work in the temple and a rich meal. This in itself emphasizes a solemn and slightly relaxed moment, but without exaggeration in joy and merriment, which is one of the basic lessons of Freemasonry.
Brothers from all the Lodges of the Grand Lodge of Serbia gathered on Dec. 26, 2016 to pay respect to the tradition of our glorious ancestors and mark the winter feast of St. John with dignity. Ritual imbued with symbolism has been associated with the solstice for centuries, i.e. the short and long days. In the ancient mysteries, these days have always had a special significance, so today’s Freemasons just continue on the same path that many have gone before us.
The ceremonial Work was led by B.B, the Worshipful Master of the Sveti Sava Lodge, in the presence of the Grand Master of the GLS Zoran Knežević and the Worshipful Master of the Mudrost i Svetlost Balkana Lodge K.K. etc. who helped make everything go smoothly. After the traditional speeches and toasts in honor of our country and our construction, we began tasting selected dishes and talking about the past successful year for the Grand Lodge of Serbia.

The good mood that prevailed was for the Officers of the Grand Lodge of Serbia and all the Brothers present the best proof that the energy and sacrifice, embedded in the very foundations of our temple and united by the cement of Brotherly love, are coming to the fore with a sure step. In a relaxed atmosphere, the Brothers enjoyed “magical moments”, convinced that the days are coming when, in Fraternal cooperation with the freemasons of our entire homeland, we will write new golden pages of the Grand Lodge of Serbia.
So be it!