On Jun. 23rd 2018, in the Temple of the Grand Lodge of Serbia in Kraljice Natalija Street in Belgrade, the 3rd regular Convent of the Grand Lodge of Serbia was held. During the Ritual Work, which was led by the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Serbia, the delegates of the Honorable Lodges working under the protection of the Grand Lodge of Serbia unanimously confirmed the decisions of the Council of the GLS, which are under the jurisdiction of the Convent of the GLS, and which were adopted in the period between two sessions of the Convent.
During the Convent session, the Freemasonic Freedoms Declaration was adopted, which reflects the aspiration of the Brothers of the Grand Lodge of Serbia to cooperate freely and without restrictions with the Brothers of other Freemasonic Obediences in the Republic of Serbia and in the world, who Work in accordance with the basic principles of the Work of traditional Freemason organizations. The proclamation invites all Brothers, Free People of Good Voice, to join the initiative. On the same day, the Supreme Council of Serbia of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite joined the Proclamation.
After the Ritual Work of the Convent, the Brothers continued socializing at the Agape in the pleasant atmosphere of the GLS Club.
We quote the Proclamation on Freemasonry in its entirety: