The delegation of the Grand Lodge of Serbia, led by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Brother Z.K., was a guest at the celebration of the sixth anniversary of the founding of the Honorable Lodge “Patrimonium” from Timisoara at Nov. 23rd 2019. Our GLS was represented by twelve Brothers from Lodges “Wisdom”, from “St. Sava”, “Pobratim”, “Svetlost Balkana” and “Dositej”. We participated in the Ritual Work with the hosts from Romania, but also with representatives of other Lodges and Obediences who graced this ceremony as guests.

The Grand Lodge of Serbia was given a special honor when, during the entry of the Grand Master, Brother Z.K. which was given a place of honor in the East, the flag of our country was brought in and displayed next to the Romanian one, with the singing of the Serbian National Anthem. In the full Temple, the Brethren from Timisoara introduced us to the establishment of their Honorable Lodge and its participation in the activities of the Grand National Lodge of Romania. The Work led by Worshipful Master of Lodge “Patrimonium”, Brother V.R. it was also marked by the exchange of gifts between the GLS representatives and our hosts, with mutual expressions of gratitude. Grand Master, Brother Z.K. presented gifts: Book of the Holy Law and the medal of the Grand Lodge of Serbia to our host, Worshipful Master V.R. who thanked him and said that it was an emotional moment for him.
Traditionally, the representatives of GLS used the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture, customs and historical heritage of the city. The hosts gave the Serbian Brothers a two-hour tour of the city’s sights with expert explanations from the museum historian. The crown of the tour of Timisoara sights was a visit to the central Unification Square, whose paths and spacious lawn are arranged in the shape of the symbol of Freemasonry, with an abundance of Freemasonic elements. We also encountered the rich Serbian heritage in this city, with lunch and socializing in the Serbian restaurant “Karađorđe”. After the Ritual Work, a festive dinner was arranged for the guests, among whom were members of the GLS Delegation, with the sounds of Romanian and Serbian ethnic music.