On December 28th 2019, the Honorable Lodge “Wisdom” held a Ritual Work in which the Feast of winter St. John was celebrated, which is held at a time that coincides with the days when the cycle is the shortest, i.e. the Winter Solstice. The celebration of winter St. John is also called the Work of the Lodge at the Table, the Ritual Meal, the Agape, the Short Day Feast or the Banquet of the Order. The Ritual Work was held in the club of the Grand Lodge of Serbia, with the usual serving of food and drinks, because this Feast is focused on sharing food and sharing the spirit of ancient feasts.

The Ritual Work was led by the Officers of the Honorable Lodge “Wisdom”, and Brothers from almost all Federal Lodges working under the protection of the Grand Lodge of Serbia were present. Guests from the Traditional Grand Freemasonic Lodge of Serbia, Honorable Lodges “Phoenix” and “Benjamin Franklin” also attended the ceremony, all in the spirit of strengthening the Fraternal Chain in accordance with the Proclamation on Freemasonry. Considering the presence of a large number of participants of the Celebration, as well as the good mood of those present, the Ritual Work reflected the closeness and connection of Brothers from different Lodges and Obediences.

Considering that the celebration of winter St. John, as a rule, the last Ritual Work in the Winter Semester, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Serbia announced the end of the Winter Semester for 2019 at the end of the Ritual Work.
After the End of the Work, the Brothers continued to socialize at the table, in a friendly conversation, summarizing the experiences from the past, according to the participants, very successful semester, with good wishes for the realization of the plans in the coming year 2020.