Based on the decision to accept the Introduction of the Light to Corolla “Aux Neuf Colomnes” from the Orient Šabac, which was made at the 8th Regular Assembly of the Grand Lodge of Serbia held in June 2023, a ceremonial Ritual Work was held on November 18th 2023, at which the Light was Introduced into that Corolla, by which the Grand Lodge of Serbia formally accepted that it is the Regular and Complete Lodge “Aux Neuf Colomnes”, which was founded in Orient Šabac and which is registered in the Register of Lodges of the Grand Lodge of Serbia under the number 9.

The Ritual of Introducing the Light into the Respectable Lodge “Aux Neuf Colomnes” was led by the the Most Worshipful Grand Master Bro. Veka Radonjić, after which he installed the Eldership of the Respectable Lodge “Aux Neuf Colomnes”. Worshipful Master of that Respectable Lodge, Bro. G. M., took the solemn oath in his own name and in the name of his Brethren, and then proceeded to conduct the Work, in order to carry out the Installation of the Eldership of his Lodge.

After this wonderful ceremony, the Brothers continued socializing in a relaxed atmosphere in the Agape.